Saturday, August 03, 2024

Catholic Saints Relics

            I have known about relics when I attended the feast day of St. Rita de Cascia's feast day and St. Anthony de Padua after attending the holy mass. We were allowed to kiss the relic. 

What are relics. They are the mortal remains of a saint or someone you considered to be a holy person. For us Roman Catholics, they are a source of inspiration especially to our faith. They have been a source of miracles and an advancement of faith. 

It is forbidden to buy 1st and 2nd class relics as states in the Canon law. If you mistakenly bought one without the knowledge that it is it is forbidden. You should immediately talk to your parish priest. I read that you can give these relics to the church for safekeeping, for it really belongs to them, not for individuals like us. We are allowed to have 3rd class relics (items that has been placed and has touched a first or a second class relic) and mementos from the place of saints or the place that the Holy Family has trod upon. For example it is not wrong to have a piece of soil rock. I also have a St. Michael rock from Mount Gargano in Italy which I obtained from a seller who was referred to me by a brother tied to a religious store in the U.S.A who brings relics to the faithful. The relic is free according to him. Only the case of the relic and the material of it is the one that you need to pay.

I thank God for these tangible things that has been left by his holy and faithful men and women. These things brings us more closer to Him and has helped us experience his love and miracle.

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