Friday, August 23, 2024

Carmel is Where My Heart Is

            A blessed day today! I thank our Lord God for letting me return to my religious and spiritual family, the Carmelites. I also thank Bro. Ioannes Laurentius, OCarm, for referring me to this Carmelite community that I am fit to be. I was a former Order of the Discalced Aspirant wayback, and if you have read my blog, I desire to study the Carmelite life and works of great saints and doctors of the church. I am accepted as an aspirant now in the Carmelite Order of the Ancient Observance, O'Carm. The OCDS is the community that was reformed by St. Teresa of Avila. This may be two different communities but they all belong to the Carmelite family.

My devotion to our Blessed mother and the saints that I look up to from Carmel and their way of life is the reason why Carmel is close to my heart. My community's patron saint is St. Telesphorus. This is our coat of arms. 

I was also able to get a beautiful 3rd class relic with all of our Carmelite family there. It is framed and I put in it my religious books cabinet in our master's bedroom at home. I could not ask for more. Even if it took a long time, I found the place where I should be. My heart is joyful and contented now. May my footsteps always follow our Lord Jesus.As our coat of arms motto, "To Live in Obedience to Christ Jesus!" To Jesus, through Mary! 

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