Sunday, September 08, 2024


           I am simply thankful now to our Lord God. He has given me a lot of things to be thankful for. I know I am contented in this state of life I am now but a lot of things still troubles me. My marital life is not that blissful but I know the downs that I am experiencing, my husband tribulations in his job and family life, everything has a reason.

         As I am writing this down, I realize God's goodness toward me. He led me to the married life because He knows if I become single, I will be burdened even more with my family problems. My older brother and I, we are not really okay. He has been discouraging me in having a boyfriend, getting married and even having a child (during the pandemic season, saying it is difficult). I don't and will not ever regret getting married. I also thank God for giving me a cute and lovely daughter even if she's very naughty. When I see my husband and child and our beautiful and simple house in the province, I am thankful to Him. I am thankful that He gave me a religious family through my husband, his parents are church servers and religious. They are also church goers. 

        Before I dreamed of having my own laptop. My late aunt whom I call Mama Nitz gave me one. But that one was already broken a long  time ago. Now, I bought my own tablet, reasonably price and it works well. I can do this simple typing and watch from YouTube. My guardian angel is a witness to this. I also will  try to be faithful to Him as a Carmelite. In the end, My Lord Jesus is the only One, the One who can fill the empty void in my heart. Always, I will be thankful to Him, even if I don't say it often, He knows my heart more than I do.

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